Sunday, October 16, 2016

Car Insurance

You can ensure your car doesn't have? Yes-but you have to tell the insurance company that is not a registered owner or keeper when you apply. Some insurers will only offer you close as main driver if you are also registered keeper of the car. But many will ensure you, so shop around and check the policy document before you apply. If the owner is always registered keeper? No, registered keeper is the person mentioned on the registration certificate (DVLA V5C); This is not necessarily the person who bought and paid for the car. For example, if you drive a company car you may be registered as a registered keeper because you are the people who use and take care of the vehicle, but the car is actually owned by the company you work for. The cover is what you can get? Most insurers will not limit the level of cover You can get, so you can choose between the fully comprehensive and third party fire and theft policies. You may also be able to get a third party cover only, but not all insurers offer this. This guide will help you decide the cover is right for you. How to ensure your car does not have When you apply You will usually be asked to confirm that the owner and the registered keeper of the vehicle. Some insurance only covers you to drive a car you don't have if it belongs to: Partner, your partner or spouse Parents Your Employer The rental company If you are asked not to read the terms carefully before you purchase the policy. Most insurance will assume that the car belongs to you or someone on the list above and if that does not happen to your cover will be valid and the claim can be rejected. How much does it cost? It can cost more to get a cover for your car does not have insurance because it may see you as a higher risk. If you do not have a financial interest in a vehicle some companies assume you will take less care of driving, and therefore will be more likely to make a claim. It's worth shopping around and getting quotes, as some companies won't change their prices based on who owns the vehicle. Another way to get cover If you can't cover your car don't have you can: Become a registered guard: If you want to become a major force in you can change your V5C registration document to present themselves as the keeper of the vehicle. Currently registered keeper will need to ask for this change; Find out how the web site is GOV.UK. Added as a named driver: you can drive someone else's car if they add you to their policy as a named driver. Read this guide to learn more about adding named drivers to your policy. Try a short term policy: If you only have to drive someone else's car for a brief period of short-term policies could be the answer. Here is what you need to know when looking for a short term car insurance. Check if you have cover for driving other cars If you already have a comprehensive policy in place You may be covered to drive your car does not have. Cover for driving other cars is sometimes included in the policy is comprehensive, but not all, so check your documents carefully before you drive another car. This type of insurance will only give you the cover base of third parties, and are often only available if: You don't have a car You have not hired car You are over a certain age, often 25 years This type of cover is only designed for use in an emergency and not for regular driving. If you are not sure what is considered an emergency, contact your insurance company and ask them before driving. It was one of your choice of course, but if you have a lot of cars try a product is from the EU that I can recommend Multi car insurance